Monday, November 24, 2008

Music I shouldn't like

Dj Bjra

Was doing some random surfing and found this guy. Some of his stuff reminds me of old c64 composers like Hubbard and Galway. Particularly Hidden land.

Dj Bjra - Popular Songs

World record BASE jump

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Oh the humanty!!

These sort of conversations between internet Illuminati don't normally even register a response with me, it's par for the course... However for some reason this particular thread makes me wonder if this whole world wide web dealie isn't just a series of monkeys taped together. Maybe it' just me.

GameSpot Forums - PlayStation 3 - how to charge the sixaxis controller?

Saturday, November 08, 2008


Dunno about you but I find it refreshing to see a figure of power enjoying a relaxing smoke.

Friday, November 07, 2008

Coolest spider car ever!

Destroying the internet

We need to stop this. They will filter the internet from an ISP level and the result will be filters that we can easily get around, rendering them useless but the true crime is that the filtering will cause an estimated 80% reduction in speed. Not good enough you stupid government. A monkey with their head up another monkeys arse could see that this is retarded even without the use of a telescope. Are you smarter than a monkey inside a monkey Senator Stephen Conroy? I'm hoping so but won't be suprised if you aren't.

No Clean Feed

Take Action - No Clean Feed - Stop Internet Censorship in Australia

The guy who sues everyone!

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Slo Mo - Rappin Retard

Dunno if he is for real or not. Why is it ok to laugh at someones misfortune if they tell you about it themselves, not through a third party? Go figure.

YPL: Slo Mo - Rappin Retard