Thursday, March 31, 2011


1 cup flour
3/4 cup dashi (or water, see below)*
1 egg
1/8-1/4 of a cabbage

Toppings - any of the below:
Roast pork or beef
Squid, Octopus, other seafood

Garnishing - any of the below, if you can find it and actually want it:
Katsuo-bushi (dried bonito flakes)
Sakura-ebi (dried shrimps)
Beni-shoga (red ginger)
Ao-nori (green seaweed)

Okonomiyaki sauce (or tonkatsu sauce)

* Dashi is Japanese stock, used in heaps of different recipes. When made up it smells like smoked fish and seaweed. You can buy it from oriental grocers in sachets that come in boxes like the one to the right of the beer in the picture above. Just mix up a bit with some hot water. If you can't find it, it's okay - just use water.

Visual Recipe




Gun Scare

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Boat Stacks

TV shows that saved peoples lives


6 TV Shows You Won't Believe Saved People's Lives |


SpongeBob SquarePants

Do you know what's fun about playing in the lake? Being a five-year-old kid and wandering out until the water is over your head. And by fun, we mean "crap-pantsingly horrifying." If the kid who does the wandering is your son, and you're not so good in the water yourself, it can be fun for the whole family. Which was exactly what happened to one New Jersey mom. One minute her son Andrew was sculpting the sandcastle Grayskull, the next minute he was out in the deep end struggling to stay afloat. She tried to go help him out, but panicked when she lost her own footing in the six-foot-deep water.

Fortunately for Andrew and mother, their 8-year-old neighbor Reese had the guts and swimming skills that a grown-ass woman did not, plus a repository of SpongeBob SquarePants episodes under his belt.

More evidence that television raises kids better than we can.

What Did a TV Show Have to Do With This?

In the episode titled "SpongeGuard on Duty," a lobster named Larry saves the life of the titular sponge when he begins to drown at the beach (Yes, the sponge who lives underwater starts to drown.)

Also, lifeguards are muscley sex-magnets and not high school students working to pay for their cough syrup habits.

In the episode, SpongeBob admires Larry the lifeguard lobster, so he applies to become a lifeguard himself. If your suspension of disbelief isn't already hovering near the ceiling, get ready. Not only does SpongeBob inexplicably get the job despite his inability to swim, he also tries to keep all the swimmers out of the water with promises of free ice cream. Naturally, SpongeBob finds himself drowning in the water, and Larry the Lobster has to go out to save him.

Apparently Reese paid attention to this episode because when he saw his buddy drowning, he went into Larry the Lifeguard mode and mimicked the lobster's strokes, expertly adjusting for his lack of giant claws. He made it out to Andrew and put his arm around him just as he had seen Larry the lobster lifeguard do with SpongeBob, and began the one-armed paddling trek back to shore.

No word on whether he wore his official SpongeBob thong bathing suit.

So kids, let this be a lesson to you: If your mom tells you to quit watching SpongeBob and get ready for school...she's trying to KILL you.


Cool Dance

Cork to the nuts

Friday, March 25, 2011

Boob Apron


A Sociopsychological Analysis of the Lyrics of Rebecca Black's "Friday" - Encyclopædia Dramatica Forums

Rebecca Black’s song “Friday” may be the most profound and accurate representation of being a teenager since J.D. Salinger’s “The Catcher in the Rye”. Sadly, Ms. Black’s music video for “Friday” has recently come under fire. I, for one, see the music video as a misrepresentation of the songs lyrics - it has a message that needs to be taken and accounted for.

Flintstone Theme Extended

10 Amazing poeple with no legs

10 Most Amazing People With No Legs -

The Crack Effect

sataguini > pics > crack effect

Growing Up

11 Photos of Child Stars All Grown Up (That Will Make You Feel Old) -

Valid Question


Epic Fail Funny Videos and Funny Pictures

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Rock Climbing Falls

Exploding weird thing

Crazy path walking

Game and Watch

Old Game and Watches in Flash


Live Sneeze

Source Code (a game design)

"You know when an idea gets inside your head, and you have no choice but to put it down on the page just to free your brain up?


Just me?

I was lucky enough to catch an early screening of Source Code last Wednesday, and haven’t been able to get rid of the nagging feeling that it’d make an awesome premise for a game. Well, I’ve spent some time today thinking through my ideas and getting them down. The following image is the culmination of that process. Feel free to post elsewhere if you think it’s interesting enough :)"

Source Code (a game design) « Thinking in Rectangles

Source Code (a game design)

"You know when an idea gets inside your head, and you have no choice but to put it down on the page just to free your brain up?


Just me?

I was lucky enough to catch an early screening of Source Code last Wednesday, and haven’t been able to get rid of the nagging feeling that it’d make an awesome premise for a game. Well, I’ve spent some time today thinking through my ideas and getting them down. The following image is the culmination of that process. Feel free to post elsewhere if you think it’s interesting enough :)"

Source Code (a game design) « Thinking in Rectangles

Where the Magic Happens with Danny Pudi

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Badass of the Week: Hideaki Akaiwa

On the afternoon of Friday, March 11th, Hideaki Akaiwa was at his job, dully trudging out the final bitter minutes of his work week in his office just outside the port city of Ishinomaki in Japan's Miyagi Prefecture. What this guy's day job actually is, I honestly have no idea, but based on the extremely limited information I have on the guy I can only presume that his daily nine-to-five routine probably falls somewhere between the motorcycle chase scenes from the movie Akira and John Rambo's antics in the book version of First Blood on the ridiculousness/badassitude scale. But that's only speculation.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Prince of Persia creator, Jordan Mechners' Journal

The following are excerpts from journals I kept starting in 1985, when I graduated from college. They tell the story of how Prince of Persia came to be, and almost didn’t. » Old Journals

Sunday, March 13, 2011

AR games

Games « you found me.


I make alternate reality games: games that are designed to improve real lives or solve real problems. I’ve been making ARGs since 2001 — and you can watch trailers for a dozen of my favorite ARGs below.

Many of my games challenge players to tackle real-world problems at a planetary-scale: hunger, poverty, climate change, or global peace, for example (see: EVOKE, World Without Oil, Superstruct). Others are simply designed to make players happier in their everyday lives — by dancing more, say, or by being kind to strangers (see: Top Secret Dance Off and Cruel 2 B Kind). And some have specific positive health impacts in mind: increasing physical activity, for example, or speeding up recovery from a concussion (see: CryptoZoo and SuperBetter).


Friday, March 11, 2011

Winning - a Song by Charlie Sheen

85 year old sniping legend

Rodney Mullen - one of the greats

Cooking with Charlie Sheen

Don't be a Mr. Bungle - a 1959 educational film

Khan Academy - Way to Learn

Khan Academy

Help us deliver a world-class education...

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Spreading the word about the Khan Academy is one of the best ways to help us. Each month we serve over 1,000,000 students, but there's no reason it shouldn't be 20 million. Please take a moment to share this site with your friends and community.

Khan Academy


Thursday, March 03, 2011

Deadly Premonition Interview

Watch live video from squarekitegaming on

Crazy bike dude

Mirin Dajo: Wonderman

Just after the Second World War, the Dutchman Mirin Dajo made himself into a living enigma, as his body was able to be pierced repeatedly, without suffering any internal injury or even bleeding. Sixty years on, the world has largely forgotten what he did, even who he was.

Mirin Dajo: Wonderman


Explains why stuff falls down I guess