Friday, January 18, 2008


Harpooned: The game
Jan 18, 2008 - 9:23 AM

A developer from Melbourne way has put this little game together about
the evils of whaling and it has started to get some press. It's a
provocative take on the subject and has a few nice mechanics that stand
up on their own merits even without the political wrapping.


Ever wanted to play the role of a Japanese science vessel performing “very important research” on Antarctic whales?

You know, that super special type of research that supposedly involves killing and eating them? Yeah, that kind.

If this sounds like you (oh dear), then you should probably check
out Harpooned: Japanese Cetacean Research Simulator - unless you’re
particularly sensitive to the issue, in which case just ignore the rest
of this post, grab an inflatable boat and head south.”

Read the article here

Get the game here

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