Monday, August 28, 2006

Indie Games. Fuck them.

Tried to pimp some Indie stuff and I get this from some dick who can't handle my 3 fucking page loads!!! How about bite me fuckers?

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

BBQ hut of doom

This looks like the place I want to live. I think BBQ's are the best invention ever and if I could, I would marry one.

This has to hurt.

The worst video game injury I have suffered so far (not including the mild heart attacks from lack of excercise) is a Street Fighter II blister the size of a medium pizza on my d-pad thumb. This kid stuffed up royal,

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Holy crap!

Three Mexican fishermen who say they spent about nine months drifting across the Pacific Ocean have been rescued.

The three men said they survived on rain water, sea birds and fish after the engine on their eight-metre (25ft) boat broke down.

They were eventually picked up by a Taiwanese tuna trawler close to the Marshall Islands on 9 August.

A trip to catch shark off the Mexican Pacific coast turned into a 5,000-mile (8,000km) ordeal, they said.

'Twice we almost sank'

The three men, identified as Salvador Ordonez, Jesus Vidana and Lucio Rendon, are all from the Mexican town of San Blas.

Their fibreglass boat, equipped with two 200 horsepower outboard motors, ran into trouble soon after setting out from the Port of Sinaloa.

Suddenly we saw ships going by... we were with the Japanese and Chinese

Lucio Rendon

"We ate raw seagulls, ducks and fish. We ate everything raw - any fish that came near the boat we grabbed it and gulped it down," Jesus Vidana told Televisa channel in an interview late Tuesday.

"We drank rain water because it rained every day," he said. "Twice we almost sank. The waves washed into the boat and we thought we were going to die."

The three shipwrecked mates took turns reading the Bible and praying together.

Lucio Rendon said they went several months without sighting a ship.

One of the guys on the boat has a watch that shows the months and the days

Jesus Vidana

"Then suddenly we saw ships going by and we'd reached the other side [of the Pacific]. We were with the Japanese and Chinese," he said.

Eugene Muller, manager of Koo's Fishing Co Ltd, which owns the trawler that found the men, said details of the ordeal were sketchy because of language difficulties between the fishermen and their rescuers.

But he said there may have been five men on board when the boat set out and that two may have jumped overboard a few days into their ordeal. They were presumed dead.

Mr Muller said the survivors were recovering well and that the boat carrying them would dock as scheduled in the Marshall Islands within two weeks.

Mr Muller said he thought the men may have been drifting even longer - 11 months.

Some relatives had initially told government news agency Notimex it was only three months.

But Mr Vidana said: "One of the guys on the boat has a watch that shows the months and the days."

Lifte from BBC News. I just neede to post the whole thing 'cause it's friggin' amazing. Did they poop in their hands and fling it over the edge or did they balance on the edge of the boat? How sunburnt did they get? Crazy stuff!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Planet or chunk of rock?

Is Pluto really a planet or is it just a big chunk of crap? Dudes argue about it here. I hope they get it sorted because I know I'm not going to sleep a fucking wink tonight if I don't know which it is.

Sign me up!

The Rocketbelt Convention of 2006

Runs from the 23rd to the 24th of September. If you can make it to 345 3rd St in Niagra Falls, New York on these dates and you don't, you should be shot in to the moving blades of a helicopter by a dodgy home made jet pack.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Vid test benchmarking


I want a new card but it's way too confusing. All I want to do is play Titian Quest without having to sell my house. PC's suck nuts.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

This place looks super cool!

The Bleeding Edge


After I get millions of $$ for my house burning down (I have George Washingtons' wooden false teeth in my cupboard. Really, I do Mr. Insurance wanker.) I'll buy all these.

Make a projector

Since I suck at gathering enough currency together to purchace things, I figure I'll make crap I don't really need instead. Gonna try this one at some stage. Only problem I see is that its still slightly expensive so when I screw up, I'm going to loose money I could have put towards the real thing. Hmm... maybe if I get lucky it will burn the house down and I can tell the insurance bastard that I had 10 projectors!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Monday, August 07, 2006

Dead Rising get the demo now

Dead Rising looks to be pretty cool. Demo is out for the US but if you live in Australia you are plum out of luck. So, create yourself a new MSN passport account and pretend you live in the US. Then log on to your Xbox 360 and create a new profile, using your new MSN passport. Log in and grab the demo that you aren't supposed to have because you live in the "Lucky Country".

I dunno if I like this place or not so I'm going to try it on for a few days.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Rick Dangerous is awesome

Try this out for size. I used to be able to finish this game... man did I have way too much time on my hands. Warning though - If you don't like chicks trying to pixely seduce you, don't look down the bottom of the screen!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

What the graphic says

I also suggest checking out his other work. It's crap and good at the same time. Crood? Gorap? Gapood? Croodap? Crapood?

Meat Cake!!

This dude is a dead set genius!